Sunday, March 30, 2008

it gets warmer and better; banana pancakes

SPRING IS HERE. (sort of.) there is a daffodil that came up in the garden behind the apartment - yesterday it was standing tall and today the bloom has fallen off, killed by the freezing cold we had last night. but it came out, so that's progress - new york city is WAKING UP AGAIN and i realize again that this is my absolute favorite time here.

AND school is going better, too. i'm beginning to get the hang of getting them hooked on the books themselves and doing a lot of the things that i did when i was student teaching with sean desilva but forgot in the daily crush. (probably because i feel like i have to spend so much time just getting them to acknowledge that they're in a classroom. but i'm beginning to think the best way to do that is just to charge ahead and keep "heeling" them back to the material. and when i do a good job of hooking them from the beginning, it's easier to heel them and some of the behavioral problems kind of take care of themselves. it also helps that we're doing "the outsiders" and "night.") a sample lesson title: "A MORAL QUESTION: Would You Kill Baby Hitler?" wherein we talked about whether we would have killed infant Hitler if given the chance to go back in time, complete with a picture of Baby Hitler. most of the kids actually said that they wouldn't. i'm going to ask them again how they feel when we get to the end of the book, or maybe right after the part when they talk about throwing the babies into the incinerators.

other things are good, too. i had much more of a balance last week between doing school shit and doing my own shit - i'm getting in yoga and have been doing some good cooking and reading. i just read this cool book mom sent me called "the wild within" which is all about stalking the self & the need to be able to see things for what they are outside of our thoughts. it makes me come back to looking at what i really want to teach & the kinds of change i'd like to affect in my own life, i.e., being able to connect with the natural world on a regular basis and helping others connect with it as well. now i'm reading a book that sibylle gave me a long time ago called "nonviolent communication" which intersects with the book mom gave me because it's all about being able to phrase yourself in a way that acknowledges that our thoughts are just reactions. i'll be interested to see if i can make it work in my classroom.

i wanted to share this awesome banana pancake recipe i made this morning. it was kind of a triumph because i made it without eggs - pete's little bro mike, a vegan, is visiting - but it came out better than when i do it with eggs. it's easy as hell, too:

blend 2 bananas with 2 cups of soymilk and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. mix 3 cups of flour with some salt, a teaspoon of baking powder, a dash of cinnamon, a 1/2 cup of oatmeal and 1/4 cup of chopped walnuts. add the blended ingredients to the dry ingedients by mixing with as few strokes as possible. COOK 'EM & EAT' EM w/ maply syrup! (serves 3)

Monday, March 24, 2008

an essay is born

wow - just had a cool moment that i wanted to get down before i start asserting the full volume of my bitchery again:

i read a really strange introduction at the beginning of an essay i assigned to them, and totally couldn't piece it together (honestly, it is poetic how cumbersome this kid's syntax is - like you couldn't put words together like that if you wanted to) and then i read it to pete and he kind of parsed it out and suddenly, it totally made sense, and was actually a really thorough attempt at beginning the essay with an anecdote. and the rest of the essay, right down to the last sentence, was not quite right on, but i could tell that he had picked up on the elegance of the essay structure and had started to assert an idea he had truly considered. it was like AN ESSAY WAS BORN TODAY folks, like i actually saw some of this shit COMING TOGETHER.

and what i realized after that was that THAT was why i even started doing this job - because i fell in love with being able to lay my ideas out like a person might build a house.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

9 weeks left

crazy weekend - went to boston for rosie's 21st birthday. went up in the bus with good old jon ledoux & we listened to music through his headphones splitters just like we did back in high school - so good as always to be able to be with my best friend.

we got into boston and then got rosie & went to the harpoon brewery for a free tasting of amazingly delicious beer. then rosie and i went home, hung out at little, had some thai, and then ran the kegs over (it was sort of like getting to do the "21st birthday party- COLLEGE STYLE" that i never did for one reason or another). we went back and got ready at rosie's, and then drove over to the party, looking pretty much as hot as a pair of pagerey-greys have ever looked (rosie in this amazing, royal-blue-sequined mini-dress with black tights and those awesome grey booties she has - i had moments of not recognizing her and then realizing that the beautiful woman was actually my sister).

the party itself was fun, too. (i did a keg stand in rosie's honor - which was judged by jacob carter as "well-executed.") a good mix of people was represented, and i had some good conversations with some of rosie's friends who were there to celebrate her turning 21. a lot of them were surprised to find out that i was rosie's sister when we got to the part of the conversation about whom we knew at the party, and that was cool, too - to see how many people she impacts and then see myself as someone who's been able to witness her as a part of her life. she has got such a big goddamn heart, that rosie. she just loves and loves and loves.

the next morning, i succeeded in prying the birthday girl from her bed and we went with jon and colin first to colin's, where we ate some breakfast and danced to M.I.A., and then to the MFA. we spent a couple of hours looking around. then i got on the bus and came back to new york.

so now it's easter morning, and i'm all alone in my apartment. it's bright and shiny outside, and i had dreams about being a camp counselor again. in my dream, i was trying to show my smallest campers some chicks i had gotten for us to raise, but there was a scheduling problem and they never got to see them the way i had planned, but i didn't really mind and knew that i would be able to make things better the following week. i guess that bodes well, right?

what i did this week was come really close to giving up. i can't do that yet - i've still got 9 weeks, and god knows how much can change in 9 weeks - but it might be that i'm out of my league. and then there's a voice in me that says, 9 weeks! you've been doing it for more than twice that, and the fact that you'll even go back every day is a triumph in itself. all you gotta do, p-g, is just keep getting up everyday. and even if you have to tell yourself every moment that the things that you do are enough, that you are capable, and that this WON'T LAST FOREVER, this shit is well-nigh impossible, but you're doing it.

and what will get me through is applying to a score of schools all over the country. i might have to part with new york (and with the man who wants to stay in new york no matter what) but number one, i'm too young to put my roots down, and number two, there's just got to be something better out there. who knows? it might be right here - i'm applying to other schools here - but why torture myself? i fear that i'm on the road to killing the joy that i used to have for this job, a thing that i can't afford to lose.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

days like these

oh now i remember. march. march in the northern climes is like trying to drag a sack of quarters up a steep hill on top of which exists a restaurant which serves the most exquisite food you've ever eaten. except that you're not sure exactly where the restaurant is, and you are beginning to doubt that it even exists.

teaching is getting more brutal now that the "honeymoon" is over. there has been a lot of coming home at 4, getting into bed, and only getting up after staring out the window at the dark with feelings of desperation. i can't say that i'm sure of what i'll do after this summer, but i can't say it might not be this job. and i hate to say it but i think that the only thing really keeping me in the game is that i don't want to be a part of that statistic of the 1 in three teachers who quits after their first year. well, that and my good days. there are good days.

(and also of course the man that is there in good days AND bad days, without whom i would be in godknowswhat kind of state.)

god, what am i doing wrong? it's not the question, though. the only way i'm going to get through this is to pay attention to what i'm doing right, because i'm the one that stands in front of them everyday.