Thursday, March 1, 2007

el primero

what better time to start a blog than while procrastinating during the end-of-bimester-crunch at an english language school in western mexico?

so why a blog? before i came to mexico, i was content to bore only myself with daily journaling. now people want to know if i'm alive and those sorts of things... i guess it was also a recent surge of self-importance at realizing that i am now technically a grown-up and no one really cares what i do so i may as well do whatever the hell i want. and doesn't everyone have a blog anyway?

i guess i can say that big things are happening in my little life here. of course i'm pretty settled in by now - know my way around (which is to say that there are approximately a half dozen places for a person like me to go in this medium-sized city, and i've been to all of them) and am becoming known at the school as something of a crazy (really the truest sign of being habituated) and am starting to reap the psychological benefits of Living Abroad. To wit:

1) everywhere is just a place under the sky
2) my parents had complete lives before i came along and had no idea who i would be until i got here
3) the concept of efficiency does not directly translate in mexican
4) no one is going to grade me on my life, except me (i'd give it a solid B+ right about now)

there are some others that i can't remember. i'll keep you posted.

other big things: i'm toying with the idea of staying here longer. my justification would probably relate to Revelation Number Four - i am really only responsible for myself, so why not stay here longer? people have certainly spent a lot longer in places they like much less than i like guzman, at least so far. i don't have to start grad school for another couple of years, and heavens knows my spanish is deplorable enough to benefit from a few extra months of practice.

and yes, there is also a guy in this equation; i'm still kind of amazed that things are progressing between the two of us even despite the fact that i used every stray eyelash, shooting star and 11:11 (and even a 14:14 when my watch was on military time) to wish for him in my life in the way he is now - and it's funny how exactly when i surrendered to the notion that the most fulfilling relationship we'd ever have would be friendship was when things went a little further. i know what terrible karma it is to base my plans on a man (and even worse to talk about these kinds of things in a blog, but i'm new at this so hopefully the Internet Karma Police will let me off with a warning this time) but you never know how choices lead to experiences. of course this is coming from a person who decided to teach English in Latin America by putting some options in a hat and drawing one at random (well, to be fair, i did a little centering meditation beforehand) so there are probably less-informed ways of deciding one's fate.

anyway, nothing's set in stone. but really, what's a year? (but really, how else could a 20-something woman end her first blog entry than with a rhetorical question a la Carrie Bradshaw?)

1 comment:

nic said...

hola favy (ajajaaja), mi hermana de alma.

estoy emocionada que puedo leer sus pensamientos y sentimientos cuando quiero.

que cambia, la vida. y que horror, como se pasa el tiempo! (poquito de marquez, cien anos de soledad para ti)

la policia de karma dice cuidete mucho. por que el amor de el viaje siempre se esta moviendo... transeúnte como el viaje.... pero disfrutelo mucho, por que no hay nada en la vida que sea lo mismo.
